Canada Relieved Trump Doesn’t Impose Tariffs on the Major US Trading
Partner on First Day
Canadian leaders expressed relief Monday that broad tariffs were not
applied to Canadian products on the first day of Donald Trump’s presidency
and that he...
1 hour ago
Mazel Tov!
ReplyDeleteDiscussion with Moishela (with his family)
A Handicapped child 5775 #2
27 Cheshvan 5775 (Nov 20, '14)
"You Better Get Serious"
Oy, oy, oy, what a tragedy what a terrible tragedy. Choshuva Yidden, not just Stam Yidden, slain in the cruelest way while standing Davening to Hashem. It could theoretically happen to any one of us, Chas Vesholom. The sight of the bodies full of blood wrapped in their Talaisim and their Tefillin, Tzaddikim slaughtered in front of the eyes of their friends, what could be more tragic than that? But everything is a message to Am Yisroel, and this too is a message. This too is a message that we have to try very hard not to ignore. We have to try very hard to understand every aspect of the message and perform what we have to perform, to do what we have to do.
taken from:
Let’s discuss it. These giants that were killed, these Tzaddikim that were killed only because they were Jews and for no other reason, wrapped in their Talis and their Tefillin in the middle of