those who judge do'nt matter, those who matter, do'nt judge
if you don't share it, you wear it
you come fror the vanity, you stay for the sanity
if you dont want to fall off the cliff, dont walk on the edge
the things you dont want to do are the things you really need to do
better a wrinkled prune than a fat plum
the problem in front of me is not as bad as the problem behind me
one bite is too much, but a thousand is not enough
the only place success comes before work is in the dictionary
if you do what you've always done you get what you've always gotten
only hashem can lift my mental obsession, and i have to ask for it one day at a time
i am responsible only for my own actions
if i fail to plan,i plan to fail
practice progress not perfection
overeating is a state of mind not a diet problem
Hashem doesn't want us to do anything compulsively
Hashem is doing for us what we couldnt do for ourselves
Hashem took me to it, Hashem will bring m through it
trust, rely, and depend on Hashem
we eat because we are Hurt Angry Lonely Tired
do'nt stuff your face, face your stuff
hurt people - hurt people
nothing tastes as good as abstinence feels
work is what i do between meetings
time takes time
dont pick up-no matter what
when you watch your weight, you lose your program- when you watch your program, you loose your weight
with Hashem help i can do anything
success is a journey, not a destination
trust Hashem, clean house, serve others
you dont need will power , you need Hashem power
yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery today is a gift, thats why we call it the present
say no without feeling guilty, say yes without feeling resentment
we are responsible for what we do no matter how we feel about it
either you control your attitude or it controls you
a head full of program prevents a body full of food
the monkey's off my back , but the circus is still in town
we need to put less faith in our efforts and more effort in our faith
NUTS not using the steps
FEAR forgotten everything's all right
FEAR false evidence appears real
FEAR face everything and recover
fear is the absence of faith
fear is a darkroom where negative thoughts are developed
dont leave before the miracle
develop an attitude of gratitude
i didnt cause it, i cant control it, i cant cure it-- just let Hashem do it
we are skating on thin ice any time we seek comfort in anything other than Hashem
worry doesnt prevent disaster, it prevents joy
worry does not empty tomorrow of its struggles, it empties today of its strengths
acceptance is the answer to all my problems today
worry is like a rocking chair- it keeps you busy but it doesnt get you anywhere
pick up the phone,not the food
service is slimming
keep it simple,surrender
a mistake is not a mistake, its a learning experience
sliver ->slice -> slab -> slob
happy moments-----------------praise Hashem
difficult moments---------------seek Hashem
quiet moments------------------pray to Hashem
painful moments----------------trust Hashem
every moment-------------------thank Hashem
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