From Torah Anytime --Chesed in Turbulent Times - Rebbetzin Heller
These are not really turbulent times. Our great grandparents didn’t have to worry about going on a diet. We have less then we had, but we still have a lot.
Giving keeps us spiritually alive. It is like oxygen for the soul. Chesed , the Maharal says, is spreading forth of yourself. This means knowing yourself and believing that you have something to give. Chesed means giving what you are, not just what you have. Everybody has the ability to do this.
In OA we talk about service, service is chesed. Sometimes just by being who we are we can influence and do chesed for others.
I would just like to thank you for this wonderful website. I look to it for chizuk and inspiration. Thank you so much. All of you Divrie Torah are beautiful and very much on target. Thank you again and keep up your wonderful work!