Sanctify yourself through the permissible... Yevamos 20a

Divrei Torah to provide Chizuk in the struggle to balance spiritual and physical needs.

L'Iluei Nishmas Mirkah Bas Yosef

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Davening for Limits

From a Shiur about Rav Shimshon Pinchus' sefer on Tefilah
(teacher requests anonymity)

Question: In last week's shiur we learned that calling a name of Hashem activates an attribute of Hashem, why would we want to use Hashem's that activates strict judgement.

Answer: Unlimited goodness is dangerous. In order for the world to work we have to have limits. Hashem's goodness is always expanding, but part of this goodnes is discipline. We have to daven for Hashem's goodnes and limits.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you very much for posting this answer! After I read the Dvar Torah I was left with exactly this question!!! Thank you so much for all the inspiration!!


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