Sanctify yourself through the permissible... Yevamos 20a

Divrei Torah to provide Chizuk in the struggle to balance spiritual and physical needs.

L'Iluei Nishmas Mirkah Bas Yosef

Thursday, February 25, 2010

My Purim Grateful List

From Rabbi Lazer Brody-

Rabbi Shalom Arush, may Hashem bless him always, says that if you haven't seen miracles today, it's because you haven't said "Thank You" to Hashem.

Since Purim is a time for miracles and gratitude I wanted to share this:

Thank you Hashem for bringing me to a point where I was so sick that I felt that I had no choice but join OA.
Thank you Hashem for helping me to find an amazing sponsor and stay Abstinent since day one (kineinehora),

Thank you Hashem for helping me to lose over 45 pounds.

Thank you Hashem for Helping me to see what a difference this has made to my health, by having the doctor tell me that the difference is as dramatic on the inside as on the outside.

Thank you Hashem for helping me by elevating my learning through writting for this Blog.

Thank you Hashem for bringing me readers from around the world so that I feel that there is Torah learning and chizuk happening because of this Blog and that encourages me to learn more.

Thank you Hashem for making me a compulsive over eater so that I found OA.
Thank you Hashem for snowing me in so that I was able to focus and learn more today to prepare for Purim.

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