Why does the Torah say, "Im Bechukotai Talek" when it is referring to all of the mitzvahs and not just the Chukim. Because our goal is to follow all of Hashem's mitzvot on his terms, not our terms. We need a purity of spirit that will allow us to follow Hashem's will simply without our own agenda.
Parshat Behar & Bechukotai: Rewarding Reward
Teacher: Mrs. Shira Smiles Class: Parsha for Our Lives 5770
Hashem wants us to do the mitzvot without thinking what we think will be best for us. The more that we are able to do the right thing without figuring out what we really want to do, the more successful we will be in life, and in program.
PESACH PREP: Israel Importing 105 Million Eggs To Ensure There Are Enough
For Upcoming Yom Tov
With Pesach fast approaching, Israel’s Agriculture and Finance Ministries
have announced an increase in the egg import quota to ensure there’s no
shortage ...
58 minutes ago
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