During the holocaust Hashem was using the midah of din. Now when we are recovering Hashem is showering us with Chesed. Chesed in excess can cause problems. These are the challenges that Hashem is giving us now. Dealing with an excess of goodness is a tremendous nisayon. In the "olden days" we did not have the unlimited resources that we have now.
From a teacher who wants to be quoted anonymusly.
The jews of the shtetl did not have to worry about a diet, they had to worry about getting enough to eat.
From a Shiur by Rebbetzin Heller
In this time of tremendous plenty we have to realize that more is not better. This is the way that Hashem is testing us now. The ironic thing is that we all think that we have it so hard, but we have it very easy compared to the jews of the Shtetl. We have to take all of the good that Hashem has given us and use what we need, not what we want.
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