Smiyat Haozen is an important way of preparing for Kabalas HaTorah. We are aquiring the same Torah that was given to us on Har Sinai. We are trying to "reaquire" it. Every generation, every gilgul has to go through the process of kinyan. We have to say "Naaseh V'Nishmah" We have to accept to do the Ratzon (will of Hashem) and to become a Kli (vessel) to listen to Hashem's will. Our Avodah is to return to that point after "Naaseh V'Nishmah". The voice that the Yidden heard at Har Sinai was not just then, it continues for all generations, it goes from one end of the world to the next. When you listen to that Kol (voice) your life will be completely different.
When Hashem spoke to Shmuel Hanavi, he did not realize at first that it was Hashem speaking to him. Hashem is always talking to us we just don't always hear it. We often think that it is other people speaking. Kabalas HaTorah means listening to the voice of Hashem. First they heard Hashem directly, then they heard Hashem through Moshe. When we listen to the Torah we are hearing Hashem's voice. Sometimes we hear it directly, and sometimes through the Rabbis. When you do Hashem's will you are listening to Hashem's voice.
Everything in creation reveals Hashem's existence. When you are aware that everything is from Hashem, then you will come to see Hashem's voice even in physical creations, even inanamate objects.
Hashem gave us the Koach Hadibur which has the ability to create good or to destroy.
If you have an orchestra and everyone is playing a different tune it will sound horrible, but when they are playing together it sounds beautiful. The whole world is like an orchestra playing the same song- the Dvar Hashem.
When you want to connect to another person, you need to feel that the person is open to hearing what you have to say. If you are not open to them you can not be a kli for them. Not everything is communicated with words. A baby is able to comunicate a lot without words. If you love a person you are able to connect without words, just like a child's voice is pecious to us even if we don't like everything they say. The Baal Shem Tov says that Hashem feels the same way about us.
If you listen to Hashem's voice, you will be able to hear the good in the bad.
You have to acustom yourself to listen to the voice of Hashem, to hear that everything around us is from Hashem.
We are only isolated becuase we isolate ourselves by refusing to hear the voice of others.
Mamad Har Sinai was a time of complete Achdus and everyone said the same thing at the same time. Our voice comes from our pure neshamah. We said "Naaseh V'Nishmah" at the same time because we were connected. We have to stay connected to all of klal Yisrael. We often shut people out when we don't want to hear them. We have to remember to love the voice of other Yidden.
These are my notes, if something is wrong it is my fault.
Sunday, May 16, 2010
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