As we go through life, we will constantly encounter ikar and tafel. Tafel is earning the salary to support our families. Ikar is spending time and learning with the family. Does it make sense to get upset over such tafels as losing a business deal or earning an average grade in school? Isn’t it more important to be thankful to Hashem for all the real blessings He gives us?
The mission of man is to combine this world with the next world, to meld the physical with the spiritual. Our world is finite, Olam Haba is infinity. The limited pleasures of this world do not compare with the beauty, wonder, and closeness to Hashem that we will experience in the next world. That is the world we should focus on.
from: Parshat Toldot: Obstacles in the Path of G-d
Based on a shiur on Chassidut by Rabbi Hershel Reichman
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