"Let us return to the words of the Vina Gaon: "One who goes in the ways of Hashem must go gradually, step by step. The key word is: gradually. One rung at a time. A person's task is, whatever spiritual state he is in, to take one step further, only the little bit the he can maintain now, and he should keep up this one addition constantly until he becomes accustomed to it, and then he can move on. This is exactly what Hakadosh Baruch Hu expects of him-that he should do what he is capable of now."
from the Mishpacha Magazine 27th of Elul 5770 page 19 Rabbi Moshe Grylak
This Shabbos I happened on this old Mishpacha magazine and opened to this page. It really spoke to me. Sometimes it is frustrating to look at all of the accomplishments that we wanted to gain and didn't. This reminder that we have to focus on small steps was very important to me.
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