I have been posting some excepts from Al-Anon literature lately because I find them so insightful and some of my friends have asked me to share them.

One of the most beneficial things I have learned from my Al-Anon experience is to be consistent in my thoughts, words, and actions. In my alcoholic home, I learned to mask uncomfortable situations with words and actions I thought would promote harmony. I have since learned that agreeing with others simply to keep peace causes me to be resentful. As difficult as it may be, today I won't automatically concur with the thoughts and opinions of others. If I have a different point of view, I express it, then let go of the other's reaction. I practice "Live and Let Live" and "Let Go and Let God."
From Hope for Today, page 363, copyright 2002, by Al-Anon Family Group Headquarters, Inc.
There are many Jewish sources that talk about the importance of consistency, this link list some.
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