I was so moved when I read this that I had to share it:
All of my life I have heard the saying, "You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink." I have even said it myself countless times. But it was not until Al-Anon that I genuinely UNDERSTOOD it. That horse may be showing signs of dehydration. It may be so weak that it can barely walk. I love the horse and don't want to watch it die. It hasn't had water in days and I just "know" that it will be better if it would just drink some. But out of love, healthy love, I am dropping the reigns; if the horse is thirsty, it will drink.
If it’s not, what makes me think that--shoving its face in the water, prying open its mouth and choking it with the cup I force down its throat--- is being helpful? It will likely only vomit back my efforts.
As I put down the reigns, I will pick up my skirt, tuck it under my legs and kneel at the spring of recovery to drink from it myself. I will go back to that spring every day, sometimes several times a day. Perhaps my "horse" will notice how healthy I am becoming and will want to try it for himself. Perhaps not. Regardless, I refuse to die of dehydration myself.
King David’s Hostage Negotiations
At the end of this week, Jews around the world will celebrate the holiday
of Purim. The annual commemoration of the divine salvation from
extermination ...
10 hours ago
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