Rabbi Moshe Chaim Luzzato says that the history of the Jewish People can be divided into 4 periods:
pregnacy- the time in Mitzrayim when we lived in darkness, we could not see Hashem
birth- coming out of Mizrayim- the Jews were ejected out as if out of a womb
adolecense- the time in the dessert- a time when we learn to appreciate Hashem, adolescnce is the time when Hakaros hatov is very hard for us.
adulthood- began at Har Sinai-when we could begin to transition from learning to appreciate Hashem, to acting maturely and doing Hashem's will
Our job durring Sefiras Haomer is to work on our appreciation and gratitude towards Hashem so that we will be ready for Shavuos, to recieve Hashem's Torah with appreciation for its true worth.

From a Shiur by Rabbi Keleman
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