It hath been told thee, O man, what is good, and what the L-rd doth require of thee: Only to do justice and to love mercy (Chesed) and to walk humbly with thy G-d. (Michah 6:8)
When we occupy ourselves with Chesed, we reap the benefits. Our program does not exist merely to "serve us", but we also need to do service. We need to be actively involved. By taking a phone call and giving words of encouragement, we help another. The act of abstinence, itself, demonstrates to others that we are not speaking of the impossible, and that this program is within the realm of reality. It is a way of life many have adopted successfully. And our example gives strength to others to join in our mutual success.
We reap the benefits of proper nutrition and also gain a grand opportunity to perform many acts of kindness.
Guest post by Hessie
King David’s Hostage Negotiations
At the end of this week, Jews around the world will celebrate the holiday
of Purim. The annual commemoration of the divine salvation from
extermination ...
10 hours ago
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