Whenever a person commits a transgression, a destructive being is created, as stated in the Mishnah (Avos 4:13), "He who commits a single transgression acquires against himself a single accuser..."
The strict measure of justice would justify that the Holy One, Blessed is He, should claim, "I do not nourish destructive beings! Go to the one who made you, and derive your sustenance from him". The destructive being would then immediately descend or cut him off from his spiritual source...But the Holy One, Blessed is He...bears and tolerates the sin, and just as He nourishes the entire world, He nourishes and sustains this destructive being until...the sinner repents...(Tomer Devora - Noseh Avon - 2)
Through my own erroneous behavior with food, I created destructive beings, which cut me off from my spiritual source. I can no longer justify filling my body with substances which are detrimental to my health. It is evident that this is not the Will of Hakodosh Baruch Hu.
Today I follow a plan of eating, so that I may be connected to the Supreme Source. I do this one day at a time. There is nothing that succeeds like success.
guest post by Hessie
King David’s Hostage Negotiations
At the end of this week, Jews around the world will celebrate the holiday
of Purim. The annual commemoration of the divine salvation from
extermination ...
10 hours ago
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