Hashem responds to us like a mirror. When we expose the Elokus within ourselves Hashem comes towards us. The time of the Sifiros Haomer leading up to Shavuos is a time when we are able to reveal this holiness within ourselves. Shavuos is a time when we can see and hear Hashem's revelation. How do we bring out the Elokus within ourselves? Every time we have a temptation and we overcome the temptation and we break our physical nature we are taking the Elokus that is within us and bringing it to the forefront. The more that we do this the more that we are developing our own holiness.
This day, Shavuos, is the purpose of creation. A person has to imagine the power and awe of Kabolos HaTorah to understand what our neshamas are living through. We have to use this opportunity for growth.
The only one who is truly free is the person who is occupied in learning Torah. We have to make ourselves free from all temptations and devoted to the Torah. Sometimes the temptations of the world are so overwhelming that we think that we are in a jail, but it is not true, we do have the ability to break free of our Taivahs (desires).
Torah is so sweet that if we were to taste the true taste of Torah we would give up all of the temptations of this world to do nothing but learn Torah. The real neshamah of the peson is the same in a gadol as in a simple person, the only difference is that the gadol worked on himself to bring it out. On Shavuos we have the opportunity to grow and bring our holiness out. We have to daven that Hashem should allow us to feel the tree sweetness of Torah so that we can desire nothing but Torah
from a Shiur by Rabbi Wachsman, "Reaching New Heights, Powerful Perspectives on Shavuos"
from the Chofetz Chayim Heritage Society
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