Recently I had a very difficult question arise that required going to ask a Shailah of a Gadol. I was at work and had no time to go home and change. I learned a very important lesson from that, "Get dressed each day as if you will be going before a Gadol Hador." We never know what the future holds and we have to prepare ourselves to face any eventuality.
For those of us on OA Tznius can be a very big Nisayon. When we lose a lot of weight we want people to notice how good we look, but we don't want to do something wrong. I shared this observation at a meeting last night and many people thanked me so I wanted to share it here Every morning when you are ready to go out the door, look at yourself in the mirror and say, "If I have to go in front of a Gadol the way that I am dressed, will I be happy with the way that I am dressed?"
Tesla Vehicles Torched in Las Vegas as Anti-Musk Protests Escalate
Multiple Tesla vehicles set on fire in Las Vegas amid ongoing targeted
attacks on Tesla vehicles in protest of Elon Musk
14 minutes ago
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