On the 17th of Tamuz we mourn many things, but among them is the last time we did the Daily offering. The daily offering was a vital link between us and Hashem. We learn from the Korban Tamid (the daily offering) that we have to be consistant in our avodas Hashem. We have to serve Hashem with passion and fire every day. We know that Tefilah is instead of the Korbonos, so we have to make our prayers consistent, and with passion. Another way that we do something that is like a Korbon is to refrain from saying Loshon Hara. By doing this every day we can bring a consistent Korbon to Hashem.
from the Shiur on Naaleh: Parshat Pinchas: Elevating the Elevated Offering
Teacher: Mrs. Shira Smiles
Class: Parsha for Our Lives 5770
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