What difference will our mourning for the Bais Hamikdash make when so many people before us- tremendous Gedolim mourned and davened for the Bais Hamikdash and it did not bring Moshiach. Why should my mourning make a difference?
This is like a town where it is known for sure that there is a great treasure burried in a certain spot, so everyone does everything they can to dig for the treasure. They bring tractors and shovels and they dig like mad. But the treasure is much deeper then they think. They keep digging but that generation all passes away before they reach the treasure. Subsequint generations keep digging becasue they remember that there is a treasure there, but they also don't reach the treasure. Now it is up to this generation to keep digging. Some people think, "why bother digging, if the previous generations didn't find the treasure why should I think that I can find it?"
Little do they know that there is a thin layer of dirt that lies between them and the treasure. They just have to try a little and they will get there.
We can't give up. Moshiach is comming soon. We all just have to keep davening and doing Mitzvahs and longing for the Bayis Shlishi.
Heard from a Shiur by Rebbetzin Kalmonovitz
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