Shira Smiles says that we have to look for this trait in ourselves and try to control it. When something is obviously evil, it is easy to reject it, but when it seems like it might be one way and it might be another way, it can be confusing and lead us astray. One of the most dangerous things is when we do something that is wrong, and we try to convince ourselves that it is a mitzvah. We have to be careful to be clear about what is truly good and what is truly evil, and not to confuse them. When they are mixed together it is very hard to see clearly.
The worst thing possible is when you think you are close and really you are so far.
from a Shiur by Shira Smiles on Parshas Lech Lecha from Kol Halashon
One of the most important keys to success in OA is clear and honest thinking. When we begin to find excuses for slacking off, we are confusing light and dark, and risking falling down.
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