Rabbi Nachman teaches that we can not use our mouths as a vehicle for self indulgence. We have to realize that the way that we eat influences our Kedusha. When we control our eating we should have two motivating factors, health and an inner sense of spiritual self respect. It doesn't matter what others think about us, it matters what we think about ourselves. As we gain control over our eating we raise our level of self respect, which raises our level of Kedusha.
from the Shiur:
Eating:Advice Series (Rabbi Nachman of Breslov) by Rabbi Yitzchack Kirzner
Now that I have been in OA for a year, I see how much this makes a difference in our lives. I was just talking to someone today who is also in OA and she said that she feels that the self confidence that she has gained is more important then the weight that she has lost.
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