We learn that we have to emulate the ways of Hashem. Hashem disciplines us in many ways. We know that when bad things happen to us personally or as a nation Hashem is not showing us that he does not love us he is guiding us in the right direction. To show our love to our children and our students we need to set limits and natural consequences. This may be hard for us to do but it is essential for them to learn to grow in the right direction.
From a shiur by a Rebbetzin who wishes to remain anonymous.
In OA we need to learn to be strong and do the same when we are sponsoring someone. One of the things that we are sharing is our strength, and we give this over by being strong and putting boundaries. Sometimes we are tempted to be kind and let them get away with things that are really hurting their program. This is not really being nice to them it is hurting them.
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