An unprecedented music video entitled “Unity For Justice” featuring thirty nine Jewish music superstars made its worldwide debut at a press conference held this Thursday afternoon at the Jewish Children’s Museum in Crown Heights. Recorded to raise awareness and bring about justice for Sholom Mordechai Rubashkin, this eagerly anticipated video features a star studded international lineup of Jewish music’s top voices in addition to both an adult and children’s choir singing Mordechai Ben David’s hit song Unity. Rubashkin, the former manager of the Postville Iowa Agriprocessors kosher meat packing plant, received an unusually harsh sentence of fifty one years in prison after being convicted of bank fraud and related charges following a federal raid on the Postville Agriprocessors plant in May 2008.
Unity For Justice, the brainchild of Danny Finkelman and underwritten by of TELTECH Corporation, created an unparalleled opportunity for the biggest names in Jewish music including Mordechai Ben David, Avraham Fried, Lipa Schmeltzer, Yaakov Shwekey, Benny Friedman, Dovid Gabay, Yehuda Green, Gad Elbaz, Ken Burges and dozens of others to literally raise their voices together in unity to show support for Shalom Mordechai Rubashkin and to protest the injustice that has been perpetrated in his case. Recorded and filmed in both the United States and in Israel, Unity For Justice is a dazzling visual and musical production, featuring a dizzying array of global talent from both the religious and secular Jewish communities all uniting as one to create a video that will uplift and inspire while raising awareness for Sholom Mordechai Rubashkin.
Mrs. Leah Rubashkin was on hand at the press conference to issue an official statement from the Rubashkin family in addition to detailing new developments in the Rubashkin case.
King David’s Hostage Negotiations
At the end of this week, Jews around the world will celebrate the holiday
of Purim. The annual commemoration of the divine salvation from
extermination ...
The Golden Calf and Achashverosh's Party
*14 Adar 5785*
Chag Purim - Erev Shabbat Kodesh
Parashat Ki Tisa - Shushan Purim
I was thinking about the similarities between the Golden Calf episode in ...
Getting Drunk on Purim
by Reb Gutman Locks
Getting Drunk on Purim
Is it really good to get drunk on Pour'em? Well, it all depends on the
way you do it. This sh...
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address for good things only. Please visit us at - we look
Addressing OTD the right way
The website 18FORTY has a fantastic and thoughtful multimedia post on OTD
that is worth watching, reading, and listening to. If you are reading this
then y...
Super Sensitivity
In this class (Shiur) Mrs Shira smiles discusses the Holy Day of Yom
KippurAvailable online in streaming video and for download in mp3 and mp4
(Ipod video...
Bibi’s Brilliant Media Campaign
I wanted to write this post throughout the past election season in Israel,
but I was busy with work, Pesach preparations, etc. After the Likud’s
victory at...
The Winning, Power Team Is Mine!
From : Twenty Four Hours a Day, Nov. 17": *We are all dual personalities to
some extent. When we were drinking, the bad personality was in control. We
did ...
*From Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan, “Meditation and the Bible” (Samuel Weiser or
Jason Aronson edition), Chapter 8, “The Link,” pp. 93-94.*
*The End of Prophecy*
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Bilvavi Miskan Evneh says to keep in mind:
יש רבונו של עולם! אני נברא! אם אני נברא בהכרח שיש בורא
Please note: all thoughts in italics are the blog author's, otherwise they are my notes from the teacher mentioned. If they are not incorrect it is my fault, not the teacher.
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