Sanctify yourself through the permissible... Yevamos 20a

Divrei Torah to provide Chizuk in the struggle to balance spiritual and physical needs.

L'Iluei Nishmas Mirkah Bas Yosef

Sunday, January 23, 2011

All the world is a narrow bridge- the main thing is not to be afraid. .... Rebbe Nachman

One of the most powerful tools of the Yetzer Hara is to make us feel overwhelmed and too busy.  This insight from Hazelton is very powerful.

Man, like the bridge, was designed to carry the load of the moment, not the combined weight of a year at once.
--William A. Ward

When trouble tumbles down on us, we are easily overwhelmed. We see problems facing us in the future, and mountains of work to do. We look at the past and see the pain and struggle of addiction. Looking at all this, we might feel despair. We can't handle it. We want to run. Our thoughts begin to spin; we feel caught in a whirlwind. We feel we will break.

Then, softly, we hear the words of our Twelve Step program: "One day at a time." We find we can slow down and take a moment to let the peace of our Higher Power touch us. Now we can take one small step at a time. We can begin the task before us – doing the next right thing. By slowing down and taking action, we stop the spinning and find calm. We find that, like the bridge, we can handle the stress of the moment. And one day at a time, we can find serenity.

Today help me to stay focused on life, one moment at a time. Help me to hear the soft voice of recovery.

from : Body, Mind, and Spirit. Copyright 1990

by Hazelden Foundation. All rights reserved.

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