Sanctify yourself through the permissible... Yevamos 20a

Divrei Torah to provide Chizuk in the struggle to balance spiritual and physical needs.

L'Iluei Nishmas Mirkah Bas Yosef

Thursday, June 10, 2010

The beauty of Change.

Why is it that some people want to change, and they can't. The reality is that we have this notion, that at some point I am going to change but not yet. Unfortunately we keep putting it off and developing more bad habits. If we want to change don't wait for later-it may be too late.
People who can change feel in charge of their lives, it is a wonderful experience and it is exhilarating and brings you closer to Hashem.
Naaleh: Parshat Korach: Well Grounded
Teacher: Mrs. Shira Smiles Class: Parsha for Our Lives 5770

I can personally say that I kept putting off doing something about my compulsive overeating, saying some day I'll change. Now I look back and say, "Why did I wait so long" Baruch Hashem it was not to late. Now that I have changed so much I am so grateful for how much better my life is.

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