People who can change feel in charge of their lives, it is a wonderful experience and it is exhilarating and brings you closer to Hashem.
Naaleh: Parshat Korach: Well Grounded
Teacher: Mrs. Shira Smiles Class: Parsha for Our Lives 5770
I can personally say that I kept putting off doing something about my compulsive overeating, saying some day I'll change. Now I look back and say, "Why did I wait so long" Baruch Hashem it was not to late. Now that I have changed so much I am so grateful for how much better my life is.
Teacher: Mrs. Shira Smiles Class: Parsha for Our Lives 5770
I can personally say that I kept putting off doing something about my compulsive overeating, saying some day I'll change. Now I look back and say, "Why did I wait so long" Baruch Hashem it was not to late. Now that I have changed so much I am so grateful for how much better my life is.
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