Remember us for life, O King who desires life, and inscribe us in the Book of Life--for Your sake, O Living G-d (Amidah - Aseres Yemei Teshuva)
Obesity curtails life. There is a direct correlation between excess weight and the development of cardiac problems, diabetes and a myriad of other diseases R'L. I look with disdain at the alcoholic and drug addict who is obviously squandering his years. It is easy to see another's faults.
How do I have the audacity to ask the Ribono Shel Olam for mercy, and yet live a life of contradiction? Can I continue to wallow in physical indulgence and have the Chutzpah to ask for a "good life"? If I want my Tefillos to be pleasing, my actions must reflect the utterances of my lips. I must show Hashem that I am serious about tackling this challenge in my life.
It is then that I can hope for salvation and the blessings of infinite mercy. It is then that I can ask for a life filled with sanctity and purpose, that Hashem lead me in the path of His Service.
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