Sinat Chinam is when you distance yourself from someone, not to protect yourself, but because you find them distasteful.
When there is someone that is doing something wrong, and you rebuke them, and they don't change, you are allowed to hate them, but you also have to love them. You hate the part of them that is doing something wrong, and you love their inner Neshamah.
from the Shiur on Naaleh: Destruction of Unity - The Three Weeks
Teacher: Rebbetzin Tziporah Heller Class: Maharal Netivot Olam II
TRAGEDY: Yeshaya (Shuki) Roth Z”L Killed In Crash On Palisades Parkway
YWN regrets to inform you of the tragic Petira of Yeshaya (Shuki) Roth from
Flatbush (Israel), who was killed in a crash on the Palisades Parkway on
9 minutes ago
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