Why did Hasehem send serpents to klal Yisrael in the desert? Because they stopped apreciating all of the miracles that he provided them on an ongoing basis and they started complaining. Hashem removed his protection from them for a small time and all of a sudden they became aware of all of the dangers that Hashem was protecting them from.
Any kind of problem in our life is a wake up call from Hashem, it is a way of reminding us that the only salvation comes from Hashem.
In our lives we face tremendous dangers on an ongoing basis but we do not appreciate the many ways that Hashem protects us. If we are ungrateful, Hashem sends reminders for us to appreciate what we have.
from the Shiur:
Parshat Chukat: Serpents Scream
Teacher: Mrs. Shira Smiles Class: Parsha for Our Lives 5770
Imagine if Hitler had been killed before he rose to power. We would never have known what we were saved from. We do not know all of the many things that Hashem saves us from. We have to work on increasing our gratitude.
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