The sin of Korach came from jealousy. The problem with jealousy is that you are so consumed with thinking about others that you do not focus on developing yourself. If we do not develop ourselves it is as if we do not exist, and such a person lives his life without becoming what they are supposed to be.
from the Shiur on Naaleh: Parshat Korach: Well Grounded Teacher: Mrs. Shira Smiles Class: Parsha for Our Lives 5770
One of the most important things that I have learned from following OA is to stop blaming others, and to look for a solution inside of myself
I heard a geat thought on this at a meeting. One of the most important reasons that people lose abstinence is jelousy of other peoples ability to eat whatever they want.
PESACH PREP: Israel Importing 105 Million Eggs To Ensure There Are Enough
For Upcoming Yom Tov
With Pesach fast approaching, Israel’s Agriculture and Finance Ministries
have announced an increase in the egg import quota to ensure there’s no
shortage ...
1 hour ago
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