Sanctify yourself through the permissible... Yevamos 20a

Divrei Torah to provide Chizuk in the struggle to balance spiritual and physical needs.

L'Iluei Nishmas Mirkah Bas Yosef

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Consistency is part of spiritual growth.

I have been posting some excepts from Al-Anon literature lately because I find them so insightful and some of my friends have asked me to share them.

One of the most beneficial things I have learned from my Al-Anon experience is to be consistent in my thoughts, words, and actions. In my alcoholic home, I learned to mask uncomfortable situations with words and actions I thought would promote harmony. I have since learned that agreeing with others simply to keep peace causes me to be resentful. As difficult as it may be, today I won't automatically concur with the thoughts and opinions of others. If I have a different point of view, I express it, then let go of the other's reaction. I practice "Live and Let Live" and "Let Go and Let God."

From Hope for Today, page 363, copyright 2002, by Al-Anon Family Group Headquarters, Inc.
There are many Jewish sources that talk about the importance of consistency, this link list some.

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