Every victory has profound impact on our connection to God and to man. In the deepest sense, our self-esteem is built, brick by brick, by choosing to conquer our impulsivity and cravings. The problem is that we are too myopic to see the panoramic vista that this sort of battle opens up within us. We are too busy fighting. We fail, again and again. We let our failures define us and erode our belief in the fact that we are fighting a winnable battle. We all too often submit to the dictates of our bodies and silence the yearnings of the soul.
from an ariticle on aish.com -Elul: The Time for Closeness
by Rebbetzin Tzipporah Heller
Baruch Hashem I have learned that I can win the battle over my cravings. Using the tools of OA I have learned that I can make a major difference in my life, and come closer to Hashem
Gaza Ceasefire Is Over!
*18 Adar 5785*
*[Scroll to the bottom for updates: @9:00 am]*
*Air Force launches strikes in Gaza as cease-fire ends*
Hamas refused to release hostages...
55 minutes ago
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