On Yom Kippur, Hashem gives us the chance to separate the needs of the body from the needs of the soul. On the day of Yom Kippur, the soul has a chance to go back to its source, reconnect with its source, get reinvigorated, and then go back into the body. While this is going on, the body is going through a cleansing process, to be reintroduced to the body in a pure way. To reintroduce a new partnership between the body and the soul. It is in a small way, a mini gilgul neshamah.
The loving kindness of Yom Kippur is that Hashem gives us a chance to start again. While man is experiencing the turbulence of life he can know that Hashem is preparing a haven from the storm and a sense of renewal on Yom Kippur.
Then after Yom Kippur, Hashem tells us to go into the shade of the Sukkah, not to bask in the direct sunlight, taking all that we want physically, with tremendous comfort. Rather we should go into the Sukkah and appreciate the semi-comfort, where we get what we need but not always what we want, and come closer to Hashem.
from a Shiur by Rabbi Kirzner
a wonderful website that has downloads of Rabbi
Gaza Ceasefire Is Over!
*18 Adar 5785*
*[Scroll to the bottom for updates: @9:00 am]*
*Air Force launches strikes in Gaza as cease-fire ends*
Hamas refused to release hostages...
1 hour ago
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