In the days when bnei yisrael was going out to war to conquer Eretz Yisrael there would be announcements that anyone who met certain conditions or was afraid should go back. By the time that everyone who met these conditions had left the only ones left were a couple of bent over old Tzadikim with long beards. And yet they won. If that is the case how could there have been the need for the halachas of yefas Toar. The answer is that these Tzadikim were able to see that among the goyim there were certain pure neshamas who needed to be elevated. When these women with their holy neshamas were exposed to the kedusha of these Tzadikim they would cry about their mother and father. Not that they miss them, but what a tragedy that they did not convert also. For the tragedy of their soul falling so short of its potential.
This is our avodah for elul. To cry for our neshamas and how far they are from their true potential.
from a Shiur by Rabbi Wachsman about Elul
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