Sanctify yourself through the permissible... Yevamos 20a

Divrei Torah to provide Chizuk in the struggle to balance spiritual and physical needs.

L'Iluei Nishmas Mirkah Bas Yosef

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Truth Obligates Us

From a Shiur by Rabbi Daniel Mechanic

The Truth of Judaism My Conversation With Hollywood
From Torah Anytime
Truth Obligates Us-Why is it that even when we recognize the truth it is often very hard for us to change our lives.  This is one of the most important jobs of our life- to make our lives coincide with what we believe.  That is why the Torah tells us. "You should know it today, and place it in your heart"  People very seldom make major changes immediately after they see the truth.  They have to review the information and slowly assimilate it into their lives.  Rabbi Mechanic gave the example of a person who knows that they have high cholesterol, yet they can not stop eating foods that are bad for them.  This is an avodah that we have to work on.
The longer that I am on OA the more that I see the major difference that eating like this is making to my health, I daven to Hashem that I should continue to be able to follow the program, because Truth Obligates Us.

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