The Sefas Emes says that time when a Jew really starts to live is when he begins to break his nature. A Jew has to control his desires not to eat non-kosher food, not to turn on a light on Shabbos, even if he really wants the light, and many more things. Although we live in a world of nature, our job in this world is to learn to break our nature.
The best way to learn to change a middah that we are struggling with is to find a person who has changed himself and was successful in changing that Middah and to observe and follow him.
The Vilna Gaon says that the biggest pain of Gehenom is when they show us what we could have been instead of what we are. We have to break our natural inclinations and become more then we thought we could be.
from a Shiur by Rabbi Ephraim Wachsman about preparing for Shavuos
Controlling my compulsive overeating is something that is totally beyond nature, I am only able to do it with Hashem's help. I turn to my sponsor who has already successful in this area for guidance and she helps me to overcome my natural tendency to compulsively overeat.
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