Though the wine belongs to the king, those who drink it are grateful nonetheless to the waiter and not to the king, as it says, "for Moshe placed his hands upon him"- the wisdom and greatness of Yehoshua are considered as if they were given by Moshe to Yehoshua, while in fact they came from God (Rashi -Bava Kamma 92b)
The lesson here is that since the wine previously mentioned belongs to the king, no one can possibly take any himself, rather one is dependent on the waiter to bring it from the wine cellar and serve him. So, too, the wisdom of the Torah is God's but no one can partake of it without a rebbe to serve it to him. Thus the rebbe is indispensable and one is indebted to him, the the wisdom is Hashem's. Reb Chaim's Discuourses (Reb Chaim Shmulevitz ztl) p 158
All to often we think that we can get where we need to go without guidance. We have to turn to our Rabbis for wisdom, in OA we have to turn to our sponsor. I see so many people who think that they know better then anyone else, and they wind up very far from where they want to be. We have to be humble, turn to our rebbi, and accept guidance.
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