If Hakodosh Boruch Hu will not build a house, then in vain have its builders toiled upon it; If Hashem will not preserve the city, in vain does the watchman keep vigil. It is in vain for you that you rise early, sit up late, who eat the bread of toil; but He will surely give sustenance to His loved ones. (Psalms 127)
To me, this portrays that it is not necessarily how hard we work, to normalize our weight or in any other endeavor. We need the component of Tefila, we need to beseech the Almighty for help, so that we may be blessed with His Grace and, thereby with success. There is no other way to success. No "vigils", nor "toils" ever worked for me.
Only when we realize we are completely powerless and add the component of turning to G-d, can we put food in perspective over the long term. When connected to Hashem, the idea of bingeing just falls away. Sanity sets in and we realize that food is a gift which has been granted us, a pleasant way to nourish our bodies and sustain energy so that we can focus on the really important things.
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